Axcess - Turn off Proforma and Organizer processing
Axcess - Process for turning off Proforma and Organizer processing inside a return
In the event a return does not need to be rolled forward to the next tax return year this process can be used to turn off the proforma function. If applicable, the organizer (1040, 1041) can also be turned off. When batch processing occurs at year-end, this will keep the return from rolling and the organizer from generating. Turing off the proforma will allow us to make certain that the correct version is being processed in the subsequent year.
You would typically want to turn off the proforma and/or organizer for any the following (but not limited to these):
- Amended return V2 and turn off V1
- MFJ split with V2 for the TP and the new number for the SP. You would turn off V1
- An additional version for a disregarded entity
- A version used for different tax scenarios that was never meant to be filed
- A return for a lost client (send help desk request) so that the return is not prepared and the organizer is not sent
- A deceased client
Steps to turn off the proforma and the organizer (if applicable)
From the CCH Axcess folder on your Desktop launch Tax to open the Return Manager
- Open the return in which you wish to turn off Proforma and Organizer processing
- Each entity type is slightly different, but the options can always be found under Return Options > Pro Forma and Organizer Print Options (1040,1041) OR Return Options Pro Forma Options (1065,1120)

- Once the field(s) are located simply select the field and select Y from the dropdown
Select the Axcess icon in the top left of the screen and select Save
- Close the return