ShareFile - Dual domain staff cannot access files sent in ShareFile
KSMTA or KSMLA staff indicate that when they receive secured documents sent to their KSMLA or KSMTA email address, they cannot log in to using their network credentials to access the files.
Staff need to add an alternate email to their account. This must be done by the staff, logged in to as the user with network credentials.
- While logged in as the requesting user, Navigate to Settings > Personal Settings > Edit Profile.
- Click Add Alternate Email and enter the desired email address.
3. ShareFile will send the added email address a confirmation email containing an activation link.
Note: In order to use this email address, you must click the activation link in the confirmation email. If you did not receive the confirmation email, or your activation link is expired, return to the Add/Edit Email Address section and click the Send Confirmation Email link to resend the confirmation email and check your spam settings.
4. Once you have clicked the activation link, sign back into your account to confirm the new email address works for login.