1. The first step is to open CCH Axcess folder on your Desktop.
2. Double click Tax to open Return Manager.
3. Click Status to open the e-file status webpage.
4. Click Close if the Returns with expired date box appears.
5. Click the e-filing Status tab.
6. Click Tax Year dropdown to select the year of return you are searching for (Only 2019 -2021 are available).
7. In the Search panel, select which item to search by: Return ID, Name, or SSN.
8. Type the Return ID, Name or SSN/FEIN into the search field, and click Search to generate results.
9. Click on the Return ID link to generate the e-file Return History.
10. Here you can click Print to print the history to PDF, or click Export to export an Excel copy of the history.
11. That's it. You're done.