SharePoint Online: Excel File Caching Error (usually seen with DMS SignOff issue)
We have figured out a way around the issue where caching has been causing issues with Excel files being opened from SharePoint Online, edited, SignedOff, then edited again causing the SignOff fields to be removed.
Please close all Excel windows first to clear out any files in progress, then follow the steps below to clear cache after closing Excel documents.
- (after closing all Excel windows)
Open Excel, click File then Options

Under the Excel Options window, Click the Save category on the left, then scroll down to click the “Delete files…” checkbox. Next click the “Delete cached files” button, and then click OK.
- After this is set, the expected behavior is that Excel files open as normal, and save as normal. When the file is closed out, it removes the cache for that file that was being saved to your computer behind the scenes (and causing issues before with SharePoint Online SignOff fields).
We are going to be looking at getting this setting changed company-wide via updates and IT so this shouldn’t have to be done by everyone manually