1. We have configured the Defender Mail Filtering policies to quarantine only messages which are high confidence phishing or malicious. False positives may occur so we are providing these instructions on managing the Defender Quarantine
Welcome to Defender EOP
We have configured the Defender Mail Filtering policies to quarantine only messages which are high confidence phishing or malicious. False positives may occur, so we are providing these instructions on managing the Defender Quarantine
2. When an item has been blocked by Defender in email you will receive an email labeled "Microsoft 365 Security: You Have Messages in Quarantine"
3. When reviewing the quarentine messages you have three options given in the email notification.
Review Message, Request Release, and Block Sender.
4. To view the message in quarantine, Select Review Message.
5. Within the Defender window you will see the relevant email details on the right side of your screen.
6. Select the More Options icon
7. From here you have three options.
Preview Message, Delete from Quarantine, and Block Sender.
8. Select Preview Message
9. From here you will be able to safely review the contents of the message and determine if the message is legitimate or a true phishing attempt.
10. Select the Exit icon.
11. Select the More Options icon.
12. To delete an item from quarantine, select "Delete from Quarantine"
13. Additionally, if you feel that the message is legitimate, you can request for it to be released from quarantine and returned to your inbox.
14. Select Request Release.
15. Select Done.
That's it! You're done!
16. In the case that emails are unintentionally going into the junk email folder, please follow these instructions.
Managing My Junk Email Folder
Defender only quarantines high confidence phishing and malicious email. Bulk email and non-malicious junk email will be delivered to your Junk Email folder in Outlook. From there you can easily review, whitelist and block specific senders.
17. Navigate to the Junk Email folder.
18. Search for the email you wish to mark as legitimate and right click the email.
19. Hover over "Block"
20. Left Click "Never Block Sender".
That's it. You're Done!