ShareFile - How to use FTPS server ISSUE: Client has requested using an FTP server to upload large files or large quantities of files Client needs to have current ShareFile account with specific permissions applied by KSM/KSMTA staff SOLUTION: FTP ClientClient will need to download an FTP client (FileZilla, WS-FTP, Ipswitch FTP, Smart FTP, etc. KSM does not support FTP clients) Application Specific PasswordSince KSM has enabled two-factor authentication, the client will need to go into their account and generate an application-specific password Login at Go to Settings > Personal settings > Two-Step Verification Generate Password > Enter label "FTPS" > Generate Copy password to clipboard and save it in a file ( you will not be able to view it again) > Close window Advanced Connections - FTP information specific to client While still logged into > Go to Settings > Personal settings > Advanced Connections When the FTP Settings appears, client should use the following information in the FTP Client Security: FTPS (Implicit) (Port 990) - Required FTP Server: User name: ksmcpa/client ShareFile email or ID # ########## Password: client ShareFile password Client will have rights to folders/files already setup by KSM staff or KSM DMS LIMITATIONS: A user can have 8 simultaneous connections. Attempting any more connections will result in an error. If you cannot close connections, you may do so by closing your FTP client. Move and Copy functions are not supported. Changes made in this manner will not be reflected in the ShareFile web app. ShareFile does not support the Rename function when moving files. KSM company credentials will not work.