Installing the VMware Horizon Client for MacOS Installing the VMware Horizon Client for MacOS Browse to: > APPS AND TOOLS > COMPANY APPS > HORIZON CLIENT The link directs to the Horizon installation instructions and downloads. Click VMware-Horizon-Client-For-Mac The executable will be placed in your downloads folder.Locate & double click “VMware Horizon Client xxxx.dmg” in the Downloads directory Click to open the .pkg file in the window that appears Click Continue through the various prompts to install the application You may, depending on your account, require authentication to install (biometric or password by clicking the Use Password button) Once successful you can click Close to exit the installer You may select “Move to Trash” to delete the installer from your Downloads directory You may right click on the Horizon Client Desktop icon and select “Eject ...” to unmount the installer You can launch the Horizon App through the Launchpad app or from your Applications directory When launching you will be prompted for your NETWORK CREDENTIALS (same username and password you use to login to the company account)