New User Setup Noble Consulting
- Point of contact for new laptops and hardware is Ron Romine, cell- 317-509-8919 at KSM
- add to Noble Employees -- all new employees, Staff – all new employees, EC -- only Rick Nelson
- KnowBe4 accounts are made manually
Details & Order of Operation
Core Identity
Create user in AD and preferably copy user permissions
- Add to groups
Notify KSM after creation (they manage O365 and Barracuda spam filter)
- Mention needed groups
Create ShareFile account (Need email address to be ready)
- Go to Glue for credentials and the link
Once logged in select the people tab on the left and select Manage Users Home
- Select Create Employee and enter in the user’s name, email, and company.
- Scroll down and assign the .1 resource folder under share folders with Download only access.
- Select Create and continue
Sometimes you may need an additional license which it will redirect you to.
- If you are redirected, up the employee license count by the number of users needed.
- Add the user to the 2022 Exam Orders and the 2023 Exam Orders with upload and download access only unless otherwise specified.
- Add the user to the Noble Exam Reports folder with Download and Upload access unless otherwise specified.
- Create Users in KnowBe4, Duo (phone number required), and Zultys
We do not handle the creation of Billquick users. Lorie Ellert sets up their Billquick account, which is used for their paychecks/billing
Per user basis
Zultys – copy existing user formats.
- Check for open DID
- Assign open extension between 101 and 400, example pick up at the highest # (344)
- See Glue for link and credentials
- Select add more users with email and name
- If a license is needed, select the buy more license option and increase the count